Friday, July 6, 2012

Off to the Bahamas!

I'm at Chris's house watching his whole family get ready for the cruise.  I'm so anal that I usually pack days in advance, because I do not want to forget anything.  ...I did forget my eyebrow pencil! Haha, that isn't such a big deal.  I finally got my eyebrows threaded after months of them growing like weeds.  I have long eyebrow hair which I hate!! Chris says they get spiky :(.  

Anyway, we are taking a van to the city tomorrow.  His family was super late last time and almost missed their flight/cruise so we're leaving at 11 AM.  The ship departs at 4 PM. -.- AND tomorrow is going to be 100 degrees! IN THE CITY! I wish we were going on an Alaskan cruise instead haha.  

Here is Timmy in his shaved glory.  His skin feels like velvet. :) 

Here is Pazuzu trying to stop me from packing 
Folding my clothes isn't as space efficient as rolling them up.  
I don't even remember what I packed. I hope I have enough clothes to last me for a week.
J.Crew hat, polaroid camera, digital camera, bikinis, and a cute beach bag
The red bag is all toiletries and the Little Twin Stars bag is my make up bag.  
I packed Chris's clothes in 15 minutes while he fooling around ...ugh I'm such a nice girl friend hehe.  

I'll post next time with hundreds of pictures of food and the beach! 

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